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About Us
About us

Official Player Of The Match

Official Player Of The Match Ltd was born on an epic day of rugby a few years back.
It was the final day of the Six Nations, where all three games were played one after the other. I can remember on the second match when the pundit announced the official player of the match, I nearly spat out my beer. That player in my mind was nowhere near as good as my player of the match, surely everyone would agree. So I was sat there thinking, how could one person choose? That’s just one opinion. Why not get everyone’s opinion. Just to prove my point I posted the question to my friends in our Whatsapp group and low and behold, out of the six of us only one agreed with the pundit, three agreed with me ( so four in total ) and the last one was totally obscure but that’s my one friend for you, (we’ve all got one of those friends ). So as time goes by and getting frustrated week in and week out at some of the decisions of the pundits, in both rugby and football, I thought enough was enough. It was time to make things fairer, lets give the fans the vote. So now with a great team assembled behind me, who’ve helped drive this idea forward, together with our awesome app developers at Intelivita, its finally here – you can finally have your say.

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Our Mission

The aim of Official Player Of The Match Ltd is to provide a platform for the fans to have their say on who the best player of the match is. Whether it be at professional or local level across different sports, get your voice heard. Its the only app to have real time voting.

Why should the pundits / commentators choose the Official player of the match alone? There’s so many opinions, how can one person decide?

How good would it be to have all the thousands of fans at the stadium and all the millions of fans watching TV at home voting on the player who they think was outstanding, ultimately contributing to the official player of the match? How good would it feel to be involved in the match?

The Official Player Of The Match App works by counting all the votes towards the end of the game, you have the chance to cast your votes in real time. There’s a results page where you can see how many agreed with your opinion and how many votes all the players collected. You can even discuss your decisions on the free chat page and have some light hearted banter. You can download the Official Player Of The Match App for free from the Google Playstore or from the link on our website. Its available for both Android and Apple IOS users. So here’s your chance to get involved, have your say and most of all ENJOY.


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Line Of Code


Cup Of Coffee

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Amazing Team Members

As a app web crawler expert, I help organizations adjust to the expanding significance of internet promoting.
Team Members

Amazing Team Members

As a app web crawler expert, I help organizations adjust to the expanding significance of internet promoting.

Great value of money!

“Get your documents out the door fast to keep deals moving with automatic notifications, on-the-fly editing, and integrated.”

Lina Johnson

Executive Manager

Great value of money!

“Get your documents out the door fast to keep deals moving with automatic notifications, on-the-fly editing, and integrated.”

Lina Johnson

Executive Manager